The Snakes of Mirko

Snakes! My mother hates them but I’ve always loved them! They are fascinating creatures, and often very deadly. Snakes have been a part of the mythology of many cultures and are symbolic of healing, fertility and transformation. This snake however is purely aesthetic as I love the style of Mirko Sata, based in Milan, Italy. The white accents didn’t hold on my skin though but it still looks great after healing.

This tattoo was done the day after my first tattoo with Sean was completed, and I had to catch a quick flight from Madrid to Milan to make it happen. One very important lesson I learnt from this session is to give yourself time to recover between receiving tattoos. Having a tattoo done which takes a few hours is physically and mentally draining and without adequate recovery you will struggle to remain composed if you continue to be tattooed day after day as your body uses up it’s energy reserves. Of course, learning a lesson is one thing but actually applying what you learn is not always the case.